Job Fair - Remote Recruitment in Sales Force Outsourcing

min read
Job Fair - Remote Recruitment in Sales Force Outsourcing

आपका सपना, हमारा मिशन!

“94 th OLD CITY JOB MELA Hearty Welcome All”

Reads a big poster in the middle of Gulzar Function Hall in the remotest expanse of Telangana.

And before this bold proclamation, gathers a group of students, anxiously awaiting their interview turns, their dreams soaring.

Our recruitment game is the strongest—we repeat—one more time.

And in today’s email, we’ll answer yet another ‘how’!

Job fairs.

These open-to-all job fairs, conducted by NGOs and government organizations in the remotest corners of the country, invite candidates from underprivileged areas, education institutes, skill development centers, and other rural sectors.

And Channelplay’s recruitment team reaches out to prospective candidates at these job fairs, identifies, and onboards the capable ones.

“Not all job fairs work, and it is not easy to learn which ones do. We have been participating in these almost like an investment, and now that investment is paying off. We can recruit at a scale unimaginable in the industry!” mentions Kyatham Ashok, Regional Recruitment Manager at Channelplay.

“Coming from Medak, I had never imagined that I would be working in a company like Airtel as a Sales Promoter. I am delighted that I got this opportunity from Nipun NGO and Channelplay. It’s a dream come true!” shares Pusthi Nirmala.

Need we say more? You want to recruit field professionals; you know where to come. Right?