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B2B Omnichannel Retailing: 9 Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

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B2B Omnichannel Retailing: 9 Trends to Watch Out for in 2024
Nikkita Garg
Seo Executive
Table of content

Shopping has long been a therapeutic experience. You could not keep up with your health goals and buying a new yoga mat can give you the chance to restart with new vigor. But with that hope comes a nugget of doubt, will this work? Or am I just giving in to my whims? This is the point where more information can help you make an informed decision. The real problem, however, is seeking out this information and not finding adequate answers. Omnichannel retailing gives companies a chance to reach out to their customers at the right time and in the right place.

Now this may seem like a vague and tall claim to make. In this article, we explore the latest trends to look out for in 2024 and how Channelplay can help.

What is B2B Omnichannel Retailing?

Omnichannel retailing refers to creating a unified sales and marketing strategy that can be implemented across all platforms, such as e-mail, notifications, social media, and even paper flyers. Different people prefer different modes of shopping. A consistent sales and marketing strategy ensures that the buyer will not find any disconnect when they step out to buy the product.

Advantages of B2B Omnichannel Retailing

  1. Higher Sales and Revenue
  1. Higher Customer Loyalty
  1. Data-Driven Decision-Making
  1. Keeping up With Information Overload
  1. Increased Operational Efficiency
  1. Customer Comfort
  1. Brand Building
  1. Understand Pain Points
  1. Increased Customer Lifetime Value  
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B2B Omnichannel: 9 Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

1. The Rise of the Phygital Experience

Phygital, the seamless integration of physical and digital touchpoints, is reshaping the retail landscape. By harmonising online and offline channels, businesses can create cohesive customer journeys that drive engagement and loyalty. A consistent brand message across all platforms is no longer an outlier but a requirement. By aligning digital and physical marketing efforts, retailers can deliver a seamless customer experience that enhances brand perception and drives sales.

2. Plugging Leakages and Improving Efficiency

Traditional sales processes, often involving manual order taking, can lead to inaccuracies, delays, and inefficiencies. By transitioning to a digital platform, businesses can streamline operations and enhance productivity. This shift not only reduces human error in order processing but also improves inventory management through real-time data visibility.

For example, earlier a salesperson had to go and take orders from each store, if they were to enter the wrong requirement by mistake, a whole process to return the extra units of SKUs would have to start. With technology integration brands can make this whole process digital. Store owners can place orders using chatbots, giving the salesperson more time to build meaningful relationships.

3. Solving the Data Puzzle

With Google’s announcement to phase out cookies, the era of third-party data is waning, making first-party data collection crucial. To plug this gap brands are increasingly adopting integrated technology solutions to capture and utilise their own data better. CRM, Sales Force Automation, and Loyalty programs are converging to create a holistic view of the customer journey. 1Channel, the sister company of Channelplay, offers a comprehensive retail channel-tech stack that seamlessly integrates these crucial components. This unified platform empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Quote on omnichannel retailing by amit barthwal

4. Low-Touch Distribution

Traditional distribution models are evolving as consumers seek more convenient and efficient options. Low-touch distribution, characterised by reduced physical interactions, is gaining traction. This trend empowers retailers to adapt to changing consumer preferences and optimise their operations. It will help in better inventory management and more time for meaningful relationship building.  

5. The Showroom Reimagined

If the last decade was about utilising the importance of digital media in the marketing funnel, the next ten years will see the comeback of showroom in a new and interesting format (not that it ever left). The rising Customer Acquisition Costs in the Digital Channels have even the most digital forward D2C brands realigning with the showrooms. However, the meaning and purpose of the brick-and-mortar store have been changing drastically. With AR and VR virtual try-ons even before entering the store have become a reality and need to be explored more. Digital signage is one of the ways to bring your physical and digital presence together. Channelplay’s expansive reach can help you deploy digital signage in all your retail stores pan-India.  

6. Beyond Personalisation

Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy about personalisation. To stand out, brands must go beyond basic customisation and strive to understand the individual behind the data. The time has come to move from basic personalisation to true understanding. Leveraging AI and advanced analytics, retailers can uncover deeper insights into customer needs and preferences, fostering stronger connections. However, the industry is moving towards capturing the feedback and input the in-store staff receives. It is time that offline experiences start influencing online experiences as well.

7. BOPIS: Embracing Convenience

Buy Online, Pick Up In-Store (BOPIS) has emerged as a popular shopping option, offering consumers flexibility and convenience. The increasingly busy and digital lives of consumers suggest a strong preference for streamlined shopping experiences. BOPIS caters to this demand by combining the ease of online browsing with the immediacy of in-store pickup.

By offering BOPIS, retailers can meet customers' desire for speed and control while also driving foot traffic to physical stores. This omnichannel approach creates opportunities for cross-selling and upselling, as customers may be tempted to explore additional products while in the store to collect their order.

8. Community-First Strategies

Social media platforms have transformed into powerful marketing channels. Beyond promoting products, businesses can leverage these platforms to build communities and foster customer engagement. By creating compelling content and interacting with customers, retailers can strengthen brand relationships and drive sales. The role of salesperson has evolved to be a product/service consultant. The customers expect more than just product specifications but rather want meaningful interaction with the sales staff.  

9. Social Media Communities

Social media platforms have transformed into powerful marketing channels. Beyond promoting products, businesses can leverage these platforms to build communities and foster customer engagement. By creating compelling content and interacting with customers, retailers can strengthen brand relationships and drive sales.

Enhance Your Omnichannel Retailing Strategy with Channelplay

1. Integration of Digital and Physical Elements:

We've integrated digital signage solutions that can be remotely managed and updated, ensuring consistent and dynamic content across all physical locations. This bridges the gap between online promotions and in-store experiences, providing a seamless brand narrative.

2. QR Integration:

We incorporate QR codes and interactive displays that link in-store customers to online content, promotions, and purchasing options. It helps in enhancing the customer experience

3. End to End Branding:

Our Point of Sales Material (POSM), Glow Sign Board (GSB) and In Store Branding services ensure that the visual identity and messaging are consistent across all channels, reinforcing brand recognition and trust.

4. Sales Training:

Keeping your sales team in the loop about the latest omnichannel retailing strategy is the cornerstone of this exercise. Channelplay has always placed a lot of focus on sales training and upskilling our sales teams. With our expertise and understanding of sales processes, we create sales teams that can keep up with the changing trends in omnichannel retailing.

5. Omnichannel Loyalty Programs:

B2B Retail Loyalty is tricky, you want to be seen and heard by the right audience. Channelplay deploys an omnichannel enrollment process to find and onboard the right influencers and channel partners. The enrollment journey begins with data scraping to gather potential leads. This data is then leveraged to create marketing campaigns distributed through various channels like WhatsApp and SMS. The performance of these campaigns is analyzed to identify the most engaged prospects. The tele-calling team subsequently contacts these promising leads based on the campaign data. Finally, field sales representatives conduct in-person visits to convert interested prospects into enrolled customers.  

omnichannel enrollment journey in b2b loyalty program

6. Data Collection and Reporting:

With 1Channel - our full-channel tech stack - collecting and measuring data to create and analyse your omnichannel strategy will be a breeze.

The pandemic was a watershed moment for reshaping the digital presence across generations of consumers. The digitization grew at an exponential speed and this change is here to stay. As more and more people come online, omnichannel retailing has become the norm and the early movers will have the advantage of better customer loyalty.  

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